excerpt: "Believe me, I hate me more than you do."

Happy Mayday!

I have too many sites in too many different formats and I don't know what I'm going to do about it.

The count is currently 4:

And that's not to mention learning React and React Native at work. I really don't want to confuse the component architecture of one over another.

I'm preferring the simplicity of 11ty the most so far. Astro has all this component business, whereas Vite and 11ty are more content-driven.

Also, apparently the Nova app can't publish to GitHub? There's no way that's the state of things. There's got to be something wrong with my setup.

Ah well. I would like to get some sleep tonight so I'm going to call it here. Crossing my fingers that this publishes...via Sublime Merge if nothing else.

EDIT: Well shit it helps if your configuration points to the right SSH key. I had brilliantly renamed my home directory in a fit of opinion and Nova was set up to look at the old location. Sorry SublimeMerge, I don't need you for these projects!